Today we took a look at some research techniques and one of those included a user journey maps. We began with looking at our own local GP websites and below is a screenshot of mine, as a class we discussed how they looked and their design. This then led to our group task.

Screenshot 2022-02-03 at 10.48.47.png

Group task

One of the tasks I had to do today was we had to go into our research groups and choose one of our local GP websites and complete a group task. So we had to complete the following 4 actions on the website to see how easily it is to complete, what are the steps to completing it and the pain points. Below is our groups finished user journey map...


Reflection on today

I found today really helpful, it was good to talk to the group and go through the website together. Overall this got us to really think about how these websites are so out of date and I found the section of Opportunities really beneficial as we had to, as a group, think about ways we could improve this website and various ways to think of how we can make the site better and create a better overall user experience. As you can see from our board above that there was limited happy moments on the site we looked at, showing us that this was such a bad user experience. I think today showed me a lot about the user journey and my biggest aim is to ensure that my user for my app should have a seamless experience with a lot of happy moments!