One of the areas of focus that I was interested in was creating a physio app, that sounded like a cool venture so I decided to do some more research into that idea...

The app store-

Pocket Physio

This is the first app that I came across that was based on Physio. The name for the app below is very smart, its catchy and easily identifiable. The brand is cool and the cool purple tones work well in the app. However I am not understanding the logo, I don’t see the link between the logo and the apps purpose and topic, how does this show it is about physio? When it comes to content this app has some cool features including youtube videos and the inclusion of the patients surgery information. This is an older app for 17+ so it makes sense that the information is highly detailed, when it comes to the design of the font size and style it is suitable for older viewers and the information is well written and laid out, making it easy to scroll through and follow.



Pure Physio